Stranger Freaking Things. (2)
“Chapter One: The vanishing of Will Byers”
Written & directed by
The Duffer Brothers
The dark clouds swallow the stars. As we go into the “INT. Hawkins Lab” we
hear sirens, a man runs for his life. Faster, faster, faster. He gets near a
elevator and presses the elevator button to go up, over, and over again. He
looks back in a scared, intense way. The door open, nally. He fears a rumbling
noise from above him… he looks up and he eyes go wide, something… lifts him
to the ceiling. The door snaps shut.
Hiss! The sprinklers kick on. A young boys speaking, in a tense, dramatic way.
“Do you hear that? Listen” he says. We focus on a two story, end of the cul-de-
sac house. The mailbox reads “THE WHEELERS” The young boy says “…
Something is coming… something hungry for blood…
A group of boys, 12 years old, play Dungeons And Dragons. They all sit around
a card table. A grid map is spread out on the tabke before them, along with a
nearly empty pizza box, canned Cokes, and the all-important DUNGEONS AND
Mike Wheeler, 12, ks the “Dungeons Master” and de facto leader of our group.
“A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness… it is
almost here…” Mike says. The others boys lead forward . Riveted. We survey
Lucas Sinclair. 12, playing as night. He is very small, but his loud mouth more
than makes up for it.
Dustin Henderson. 12, playing as dwarf. He is the most fearful, and least
condent of our group.
Will Byers, 12 playing as wizard. He is soft spoken, gentle, delicate.
“What is it?” Will says.
“What if its the Demogorgon? Were in deep sh!t if its the Demogorgon”
Dustin says before Lucas adds to that comment “Its not the Demogorgon”
Mike waits for them to settle this down. Then: “An army of Troglodytes charge
into the chamber!”
Mike says ercefully. He slams six winged miniatures onto the map. He then
says “Their tails drum the oor! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!” Dustin says
“Troglodytes?!” “Toldja.”
Lucas says then Dustin gives a quick “Pfff.”
Mike looks over his shoulders, his eyes grow wide… “Wait! Do you hear that?
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Thats sound, it didn’t come from the Troglodytes… No, it
came from something else..”
Mike slams a large, two headed miniature onto the map. “The Demogorgon”
Mike says.