Demonym: Lisinese
Government Type: Authoritarianism
Capital City: Winen
Demonym: Winener
Other Cities: Pincouwedge, Wichred, Wibsirus, Ibro, and Erartteal
Area: 12,432 sq mi / 32,198.73 sq km (Modest Land)
The land is predominantly covered in fen.
The weather is usually warm and humid.Thunderstorms are common.
Population: 2,063,712 (2.1 Million approx) (46% male, 54% female)
Population Density: 166 people per sq mile (Moderate)
Life expectancy: Male: 51 years, Female: 97 years
Average children per family: 4
Population Density: 82% urban, 8% suburban, 10% rural.
Ethnic Groups:
98% Ancient settlers, 1% Recent colonists, 1% Short-term residents
Languages: There is 1 official language.Religious Beliefs:
33% Major religion,
19% Minor religion,
8% Agnostic,
40% Atheist.
Total Military Personnel: 39,458 (1.9% of the total population).
Active Military: 11,497 (0.56% of the total population).
Maximum Military Manpower: 197,151 (9.55% of the total population).
This is the total amount of able bodied citizens who could take up arms if necessary, regardless of age, sex and military
experience. They have not been in any major conflicts for a very long time. They have a defensive pact with 5 other countries.
Their military equipment is modern and poorly maintained. They have voluntary military service for adults.
Unemployment rate: 22% of the population is unemployed.
Poverty rate: 9% of the population lives in poverty.
Literacy rate: 32% of the population can read and write.
They have average technological capabilities but restrict access to worldwide communications networks.
Resources: Lisi is very resource poor and only has an abundance of:
1 - Natural gas.
Lisi is well known for its art style, vocal style, clothing style, textiles, building style, furniture style, and distinctive accent
Their art is heavily influenced by nature and wildlife. Harmonious vocals are a hallmark of Lisinese music. Their clothing features
intricate embroidery. Lisinese fabrics are a source of inspiration for fashion designers and artists. Efficient space utilization is a
hallmark of their cities and buildings. Their furniture blends modern and traditional styles. They have an unintelligible accent.
Their people are often stereotyped as being odd, envious, and loud.