Calling all PJO fans!!! Im making a fan clubfor fans to collab and chat about thefandom. Rules are, you can only join if youhave read at least to original pjo series,you have to fill out the form below and tagme: @littlesylveon, to join. I will appointmy co president after everyone joins.Deadline to join is March 16th. banannaboiPercy Jackson andthe olympianand Heros of Olympus finished Blood of Olympus 2daysagoLeo Percy PosidenLightning thief it was the one thatgot mehookedlittlesylveon banannaboiPresident signature ApplicatesignatureWelcome!Fill out this form to join!Username:What series of PJO have you read:Fav Character:Fav book:Sign here to finish: