EaleDemonym: EaleshGovernment Type: TribalCapital City: GlelbyDemonym: GlelbyerOther Cities: Ikylor, Tisho, Tineleigh, Fortelph, and OnedererigelGeographyArea: 54,346 sq mi / 140,755.49 sq km (Modest Land)The land is predominantly covered in low hills.The weather is usually cold and sunny.Thunderstorms are common.PopulationPopulation: 13,097,386 (13.1 Million approx) (45% male, 55% female)Population Density: 241 people per sq mile (Moderate)Life expectancy: Male: 73 years, Female: 71 yearsAverage children per family: 5Population Density: 58% urban, 16% suburban, 26% rural.Ethnic Groups:52% Indigenous population, 26% Recent settlers, 21% Local and distant-origin immigrants, 1% Short-term residentsLanguages: There are 2 official languages, with 7 others spoken.Religious Beliefs:3% Major religion,37% Minor religion,17% Agnostic,43% Atheist.MilitaryTotal Military Personnel: 648,690 (4.95% of the total population).Active Military: 112,444 (0.86% of the total population).Maximum Military Manpower: 2,745,428 (20.96% of the total population).This is the total amount of able bodied citizens who could take up arms if necessary, regardless of age, sex and militaryexperience. They rarely instigate conflicts but will react harshly when attacked or threatened. They have a defensive pact with 3other countries. Their military equipment is modern but poorly maintained. They have voluntary military service for adults.EconomyUnemployment rate: 21% of the population is unemployed.Poverty rate: 18% of the population lives in poverty.Literacy rate: 29% of the population can read and write.They have good technological capabilities but restrict access to worldwide communications networks. Resources: Eale has few natural resources, with the only ones of note being:1 - Grain crops, and2 - Grazing livestock.CultureEale is well known for its cuisine, clothing style, music style, distinctive language, art style, and instruments. Ealesh food featuresa lot of meat. They favour dark colours and heavy fabrics. Ealesh is very expressive. Their language is rich in proverbs andsayings. Ealesh art is simplistic and highly stylised. Stringed instruments, such as the lute and lyre, are commonly used in Ealeshmusic. Their people are often stereotyped as being responsible, mysterious, and wasteful.