Sabrina: HELLO CHILDREN! Woah- where is she running to?Claudia: Oops forgot Gasoline! (Runs back and grabs) OKAY BYE LOSERS (runs back to circus next door andburns it)Briar: anyways- liam.. where’s lulu u promised she’d come back today! ..Briar: yeah.. okay. (i folded my arms staying behind for a second, then grabbing my rope and mimi then
flinging myself out the circus)Mr. Giggles: going to kill someoneCLOWNCLUB RP CHATLiam: O-or…we could play t wister! (Gets out box) Yes, t wister!Liam: Hey guys! What do you think we should do today?Neo: Burn down an orphanage ^_^Liam: Oh…uh…Let’s play Uno!Claudia: NO 😡 i wanna burn all the circus in the world besides this one or else :3Claudia: NO. (Runs out of the tent to burn down the circus nextdoor)Liam: Yeah about that…Um, that’s for another day, we need to stop Claudia beforeshe commits mass murder! (Runs after her)Liam: Ummmmmmmm guys maybe we should stop Mr Giggles…Neo is playing t wister how about we join haha! (Liam takes offhis ruffle collar so he can move around without breaking hisneck)Mr. Giggles: *pulls out knife* i pasLiam: NO NO NO…ugh, nevermind. I’m going to get somewater I can’t rn y’all are clowns. (He goes to get waterfrom the mini fridge)Mr. Giggles: i killed a clownLiam: BOI YOU BETTER *slaps Mr giggles so hard his maskcomes off* YOU BETTER GO TO YOUR DORM OR IMMAREPORT U TO THE POLICE