"Exuberant,touching, funnyand wonderful."—Associated PressTTddlcrxeu. X I too ^^^^^^ _ohtho RoofWINNER OF THE DRAMA CRITICS' AWARD"... filled with laughter and tenderness. It catches the essenceof a moment in history with sentiment and radiance Anexceptional accomplishment."-Howard Taubman, The New York TimesBook by JOSEPH STEIN Music by JERRY BOCK Lyrics by SHELDON HARNICKBased on Sholom Aleichem's stories Digitized by tine Internet Arciiivein 2009littp://www.arcliive.org/details/fiddleronroofOObock lerlerhaps it is unfair to single out one per-former from a cast that won nine TonyAwards for outstanding performances, butthe truth is that without Zero Mostel,FIDDLER ON THE ROOF might have beenjust another musical comedy. Each nightwhen he made his first entrance, he all butstopped the show. That was what audienceshad come to see and though they were gen-erous in their applause for others, they neverlet him forget it. This great shambling clown,this inspired mime, this actor who somehowmanaged to act without acting, left himselfin the wings each night, and the man whostepped out onto the stage was actuallyTevye, a Russian dairyman, one of the great-est characters in all of Jewish literature.rjrvjTjToTJoToTJjTo!oIjloTj>TJoToIjfoIaToioioioioiololoioi^I^l^A^EFIDDLER ON THE ROOFwas originally published byCrown Publishers.