Sad story-But I was at the vet w/ my sick dog,Bubba/Koda. He got his nickname“Bubba” from me, when I wasyounger, My second word was“Bubba” when Koda came up to me. Isaid “Bub- Bubb.. Bubba” Now back to2 days ago, I was in the vet withBubba being sick and laying there.The doctors and my parents left tospeak. When this kid who were gonnacall “Red” ran into the room. Hestarted crying saying, “I WONT LETYOUR DOG LIVE IF MINE DIED. Hepulled the plug. (The one where ithelps them live). He stopped coughingand wagging his tail. He lying there. Itold my parents that Red went inthere and pulled it.