Vent Story (read desc)
I did three (or four?) days of dancing.
Saturday was pretty good. Danced ballet for an hour, but the cheeks hurt-
Monday being ok. Normal dancing for 2 hours. Cheeks still hurt.
Tuesday was a bit hard. Danced in school for 3 hours straight, and my
whole body was sore during that night.
Wednesday was pretty dicult and stressful. My body was still getting after
eects from yesterday, and I was anxious of performing stage rehearsal.
At the end of the day, my dancing was ne but a bit sloppy.
I walked to the car with my brother. I told him I was angry and
he said sorry, but throughout feeling stressed out about today
and being tired, I wanted him to oer me food as
compensation for my closure & eort. I didn’t say that yet,
asking for food that is.
I sat in the car with dad apparently waiting. And throughout
that night, I’ve spent my dark lingering energy onto my work,
thinking it’ll pass by.
I got really angry because
I needed my support. I
told him to forget about it
and stay in the car to wait
for me.
By the time he nally
gave me my items, I
couldn’t shake o my
frustration. Though I took
the pants bc I needed
them, my resentment
Wednesday was when it all started.
I was really stressed if I may hurt myself while my body was still sore, so I requested my older
brother to bring me some items.
I’ve waited for a little over an hour for him, but he got side-tracked by talking with dad. He
then started driving over. At most, the drive should be 15-20 minutes, including buer time.
Of course, I didn’t mind them having a good time chatting,
but I should’ve been the main priority on that day.
It’s Thursday.
When I came home, I still had my subtle grudge against my dad when he greeted me.
We checked the calendar and realized I had rehearsal for school. I was surprised and became
antsy because I forgot.
In the end, I’ve gotten an ice cream cone with a cup, and
ate some burgers and fries :33 my day is resolved.
My emotions overwhelmed my thinking into unnecessary
ideas. I became randomly emotional and cried in the car.
At rst, I thought I was just upset about being late, but my
emotions that were bottled up all week just spilled like
overowing tea.
The exhaustion, the soreness, the frustration with my
brother all hit me at once.
I’ve made it to rehearsal for one last song to sing, but I
couldn’t bring myself to apologize to the Stage Manager
because of my insecurity of crying in front of her.
I’ve soon explained to my
dad about my recent
frustration about my sore
body and still doing
dance, angered that my
elder brother didn’t come
to bring me my items
sooner, and wanted food
to make me feel better.