HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!🎉🎉🎊🎊🎁🎁🎈🎈🪩Ok 1, happy b day TO MYSELF2.Ok so my mom is the science teacher so in 5th period for somereason everyone started singing happy birthday at 1pm 🕐And I was so embarrassed and confused..THEN I KNEW…. Mymom said to everyone, “OK KIDS since Avas b day is today,EVERYONE START SINGING AT 1PM!” When I was not there!!@nobodyisevermissing can confirm this😭 . Bro the worst part ofthis story is my “used to be crush” was there…BRUH HE WASSINGING. it was so weird cuz everyone was forcedto….AHAHHSBJSJBSBJBJ SIHSIUBIUSBIUSBSIUBSUIBSIUSBBIUSBBIUSBUISBIUBIUSBBOU😳 😳 😳