Honestly idk I’m a total weirdo loolll 😭😅
Who also has a valentine 😭 😭 ? Barley any of my friends are getting valentines this year and
they are mostly just single as a Pringle but honestly I feel bad Tinkeys 😭 . But I’m soooooo exited to
see my crush tomorrow and ummm his code name is Alvin
(from Alvin and the chipmunks). I’ve already made wallpapers Ik Ik. I’ll show that when we hit
30 followers plus MORE UPDATES! I have to wake up at 5:30 am tomorrow cuz of school I have
to get there at like 6:15-6:20ish and it’s 11:06 pm rnn sooooo ima have to go to bed soon if I
can. I will send y’all a list tomorrow of the updates that will be coming once we hit 30
followers!!! But…….. ALSO why in the heck did TikTok get banned in the rst place if it was
going to come 12 hours later. And why in the heck is Duolingo not giving my eyes a break from
all of that stu. I have a new baby brother and he was born last week and he is absolutely
adorable 🥰 . I’m hoping to get all of my homework done cuz I keep on getting distracted
soooo yea. My plan hopefully is to get it nished by tomorrow! And is nobody going to tell me
why Wicked was just pure terrifying the end. I felt like Glinda feels bad in all but I feel like she
needs to get her nerves up and step up for Elphaba because in the freaking beginning she just
acted like Elphaba isn’t her friend anymore. When really Ik her face and Ik she is still wanting to
be friends with her but she is just acting like she is a total bust and a maniac. But all of us could
see the pain in her eyes. I just want pt 2 to come out nowwwwww 😭 😭 😭 😭 . I actually
thought the wizard was nice and everything was going to have a happy ending but I forgot there
was a pt 2 and the fact that the WIZARD and Miss Whatever her name was BETRAYED the
animals and betrayed ELPHABA! Elphaba honestly never deserved that…. She deserved a
better life with better things instead of people just making a huge deal about her skin color. And
using her for powers is absolutely ridiculous. Soooooooo yea anywayssssss! Well byeeee
Let’s reach 30 followers 😍 😍 😍 😍
-Tinker Queen 🧚 💕