Boy next door. Part 20. Chapter: Apollo
As I lay my head on Sin-U’s shoulder he jumps up and walks to the kitchen
and grabs a water. I wonder why he didn’t want anything from the store, I
mean anyone will take that oer. I look at his hair “did you get a haircut?” I
asked him. “Yeah, it was getting pretty long” He said with a smile on his
face. I love his smile it’s so cute. He comes back to the couch and lays
down. I lay my head on his chest. “You’re so cute” he said. I was going to
take a nap until I remembered that I have to buy groceries “OH CRAP” I
yelled out, “what happened?” Sinny said. “I forgot to buy groceries for my
sisters party!” I said. “Your sister is going to have a party?” Sinny asked,
“Yes she is and it’s probably going to end up being a disaster. If you want to
come over go ahead, but if you want to I’ll stay here with” I told him. I left
and walked to the grocery store. I walked in and saw Way-Len, I looked
down and grabbed a basket. I walked over to the aisle of snacks, I grabbed
all the snacks I can nd “Hey You!” Someone said from behind. I looked
behind and saw Way-Len, I’m so glad he is here, I want to punch him so
badly. But i have to keep myself together. “What do want” I told him with
an annoyed face. “Why were you at Sin-U’s house today?” He said putting
his left hand on my left shoulder, “I told you it was for the dog” I said
looking at his left hand. “You’re lying, you went to sleep over at his house
didn’t you” he said making left hand down to my hand. “So what if I did?” I
said smacking his hand o, of my hand. “I at least didn’t abuse him unlike
you” I began to say. “He told me everything you do to him, I might as well
tell him what you did to me the rst time we met” I nished telling him. I
walked away and went to the hygiene aisle. I grab a box of pads for Vera
“Excuse me young man” I woman said. I’m guessing by the looks of her she
is in her early 30s. “Yes ma’am?” I replied. “Will you be a kind soul and
help me grab diapers from the baby aisle. I nodded and followed her to the
baby aisle. “How many boxes of diapers do you need?” I asked her. “I only
need two boxes” she said. I grabbed two boxes and gave them to her.
“Thank you” she said with a smile on her face, she walked away. I walked
back to the hygiene aisle and grabbed toilet paper and some hand soap
since mum said we needed more before she left. I walked to the cash
register and paid for everything. “That will be 80 pounds sir” the cashier
told me. I paid and and walked away, I looked at the receipt and walked
away. I have a weird habit of looking at the receipt after I buy groceries. I
know everything is in the bags but I always have to look at it.