tieCimaAnyone wanna chat? I’m bored and lonely 🙄 ❤Hi i exist :)Good <3 how’s lifeGood (maybe) anyways.SEARCH: How do you start a conversation?Say something :/Okay. I want you to answer this >:DAnswers:🤩Yeehaw 🤠 lolDog or catCola or coke (lol)Boba or coffeeAnime or cartoonPeanut butter of jellySoft or emoFemale or maleHave youwatchedwednesday?In myopinion Iloveeeeeit :DYes I have it isvery good but thehype for 8episodes isoverdramatic but Ican’t wait to seenew episodesIkr what’s ur favescene? (Mines thedance scene ofclol) Probably the endscene where Xaviergets her a phone <3