1: The CabinetOnce there was the most annoying cabinet in the 6th grade hallway, and NOBODY knew how it gothere. “Well, why specifically in the 6TH GRADE hallway?” I say as I walk around it. Then all myannoyance got to me and I kicked this modern cabinet out the window, and through the wall on theother side of the building next to us. One teacher fainted from seeing this and the rest were scaredfor their safety as I got up and went to the gym in which the cabinet was there without a dent. So, Icouldn’t help but throw it into the Pacific Ocean and then it was gone… not forever!2: The plot twistAlthough somebody kept putting it there, EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE SCHOOL WEEK. It was soannoying which is the reason why I should have probably titled this “The annoyance” but, no. HAHAPLOT TWIST I’m talking to the author, the author is not writing about me! But continue, author, I willbe quiet. “Thank you!” —McKenna, so now that I have gotten the character to be quiet, I cancontinue. The strong modern cabinet had broken my leg because I was kicking so much… I need toresort to something else, *dramatic, Suspenseful music plays* I ventured into the depths of myschool to FIND another cabinet that looked like it had been pulled out of an arcade game in themiddle of the jungle. Why do I say that? It literally had leaves on it and I realized something so Ishouted “THIS IS THE SAME CABINET FROM UPSTAIRS AND, it teleports…? Ok well if it really didfollow then we need to set one thing straight,WHY?3: Being FollowedI was on the bus just a few minutes after the teleporting incident and I happened to see somethingin the isle on my bus, guess what it was, the cabinet AGAIN then my friends, Danielle, Collin, andEvan came on the bus jumped from there seats when they saw this cabinet. Danielle fainted face
first, whilst the rest just stared. Then I kicked the cabinet to Germany then sat down on the bus.While Evan and Collin sat down, Danielle woke up and the bus driver looked at me speechless thenstarted to drive. Then we didn’t see the cabinet till later or just until the next day.4: One Angry AaravThe cabinet appeared in the middle of the sixth grade hallway again. Though I tried to not kick it,Collin told me to do it anyway. So I did and it landed PRECISELY in the teachers lounge and outcomes Aarav looking like he has fallen off a cliff. It probably felt like it as well… He knew about thekicking cabinets game and went ballistic on me. He yelled to pay attention.