After I explained everything to him, he sat there with an expression of awe andamazement written on his face. Wow, so wait… Heather actually talked to you?He asks. I think so. I mean it sure felt like her. I say. Wow. I thought we tookover when we were there. I thought that too but what just happened saysdifferently. I say and lay back. Man, you get to have all the fun. He says and weboth laugh. Well, when i can work the magic- WAIT! I say and sit straight up.Does the magic work for you? I ask him. Umm, maybe? I dont know. he says andlooks around. What’s up? I ask him as he looks nervous. nothing, just my dad ishome. He isnt bad right now but you never know. He says and tried to smile. Ifelt so bad for him. Ok… well, Tuesday is the next session and I would like totest our theory then. I tell him. Great! So, hows everything going? He asks. Thatconversation lasted for an hour. It was a amazing conversation though. I wasn’tnervous or had any butterflies at all. It was nice to just… talk. I had to go towatch the Titans game. Bye Doofus. I say. Bye Supergirl. He says and I hang up.I sit there for a hot minute just digesting the conversation. I sighed in contentand walked in the living room with a smile. We watched the Titans play the Jets.We should’ve been crushing them but you know how the titans are. Ugh. Weended up losing to them but it was close. My dad was super mad by the end.The refs were horrible. But it didnt matter. We lost. But thta couldnt spoil mygood mood. I went to bed happy. I totally forgot to do some more testing thatnight and just went to bed. I actually slept really well. but you know howmondays are. I trudged through my classes, but something was different. Wehad a new girl, Emma, who joined our grade. I had only seen glimpses of her.She had blonde hair and seemed very quiet. I realized we had a few classestogether. I was troubled to see no one said hello or welcomed her. After thirdclass I made up my mind to talk to her. After English, I walked to her lockerwhen she was grabbing books. Hey! Your Emma right? Im Riley, welcome to WestHigh! I tell her and stick out my hand. She looked at me. Hi-hi! I am Emma.Thanks! She says quietly but friendly and shakes my hand. I heard the lunchbell ring. Want to go get lunch? I ask her since the lunch bell just rang. Umm…sure. She says and I lead her to the bustling lunch room. I showed her whereeverything was. She listened with intent and seemed to warm up by the time wegot through the line. Nice one Riley. I think. We walked into the room itself. Shelooked around nervously. Come on, lets go sit in that corner. I tell her and point. She seems uncomfortable as we cross the lunchroom and feel the stares ofmany. I try not to appear fazed by it to reassure Emma. When we finally satdown she relaxed. So, where are you from? I ask her. Minnesota. She says. That’sso cool! Does it snow a lot? I ask her. She nods and gives a small smile. A ton.One time we had to tunnel our way through it to get to our neighbor’s house.She explains. Wow. It never snows here but I’ve heard its really pretty. I say. Itis. She says and gets a far off look. She looked homesick. Do you missMinnesota? I ask and immediately regret asking. She looks down. Yeah, but wehad no choice when Dad got the job here. But it’ll be fine. She says. Im sorry. Isay. Its ok. So, is there anything I should know about this place? I ask her. Notreally. Stay away from Ms. Poppy. She does not live up to her name. And Mr.Jones runs a tight ship so dont expect him to be lenient. I tell her. Ok, anythingelse? She asks. I look around. See that table 4 down from us and to the left?The girl with the strawberry blonde hair? The one thats laughing? That’s MaryJane. Stay far away from her. She’s quite the menace. I tell her. Got it. She says.Other than that, your gonna be just fine. I tell her. Cool. I say. We lapse intosilence. So, where do you live now? I ask. Um, it off Fredrick’s Pike and its a bigred brick condo building on the left. I-I don’t remember sorry. She says. Its ok!Is it The Sitco? I ask. I think so. She says thinking. Then we’re neighbors! I liveacross the street. She says. Really? That’s cool! She says. Yeah, I’ll have to haveyou over! I tell her. Yeah, that’d be fun! She says. We talk the rest of the time.She loved horses and riding them and she had two older brothers. Even thoughwe only had a few similarities we hit it off and became fast friends. I asked ifshe wanted to bike home and it turned out thats how she got there. She saidshe didnt know how to get back and was relying on her phone. I told her I couldshow her. She was grateful for it. She was fun to be around. The bell rang andthe next class I didnt have with her. But it didnt matter. I had made a newfriend, which I hadn’t had in forever, and I ha da feeling it was the start of abeautiful friendship. A tiny voice in my head approved. She is indeed nice, yourworld is very weird and foreign. Heather’s voice says. HEATHER?! I stop.