combining like termsSimplify a polynomial before solvingI I 1 34 1 247 4 1 x o missing ternsextra tern isIf you have a term with this they can be combined7 4 7 x t 7 2 1 2 t 7 x t 1 07 4 1 3 2 2 1 X t 1 0IT S I ALL E Dcombining like termsvariable parts fruit For example2 3 4 2 3 2 512 ya 4 3 51996,1 9,9 9 1111 Tojo8 9,9 tygI I2 ya 70 51 Baggot724 3You CANNOT COMBINELf44 4YOU CAN COMBINElet's play a gameLIKE OR NOT LIKE2 thetariableZxof both arethesame5XNoThevariables4 are different S not I too2 2 variable is 7 2thesame5 2No4 2 the variable 6 3 Etat Ltisdifferentmultiplication satvariablesSty are the 8 Yt beflopped soxysame and yt are equal3 4 Now let's practice with polynomialsX 2 6 x Xt 10 x 2 5 1016 2 3 4 10 76 2 3 4 xlets try a harder one3 410 3 5 24 X 8 2 2 6