bingo 3
ur part of
have a u once ur not good
sketch burn broke any w talkingto
other peoplebook where bone
pan u draw In
ur head time is over
is sometimes
very loudand is always 6 hours aday
cuz u qua
u cen'tsleep low a littlemore
ur playin u don't like
ur handwriting u love human like
asia asianpplinstrument itsterrible to stare at
food culture you
so much
U Some ur afraid you love
times of what foodespecially is medium
otherswill noodles
need a say
u like to get when u
ur the
school were youngto bed late but
u like
family u playeddisappointment to stay up be offriends lil psycho
only atmy early games in
mom's house ur mind
when u when u and u have
actually u like to wear ur friends a word u say
hate every dresses got weird way toooften
thingabout names
you cenchen Freek