SoE3 Lura POV 12-2
the excitement from Cypher’s call ran out a long time ago. I think to myself as I
pick Grayson up. for the rest of the day though I had a nagging feeling
something was wrong. And normally I would trust that instinct because it had
never led me astray before and quite often saved my life. But, Grayson was being
a pain. I was holding him and playing with him when he… well me and Dev call it
a code brown. I glared at him and he seemed to smile at me. He’s denitely got
some Dev in him. I think as I set him down to change him. He started crying and
kicking as I changed him. I almost lost it. after I was done I checked my clock.
Time for a nap. I think and take him to his crib. He wailed even more and I
called Dev over to help me. He came in with bangs under his eyes from the last
few nights of little sleep. How can I help? He asks. Grayson is just being difcult
and I thought you could sing a lullaby to him. I told him. It had worked a few
times and I was desperate. Not that Dev was a bad singer, his dad was the god
of music, but Dev had been tired enough that he could barely function. Sure. He
says and tries to smile. Thanks hon. I tell him and set Grayson in the crib. Dev
sings so quietly I almost didnt hear him but Grayson miraculously fell asleep but
cried a bit more before falling asleep. Thanks Dev. I tell him and he smiles. No
problem. He says and walks back into the living room. Today was Saturday so he
was off work for a bit. We both sat down on the couch and turned on our new
show we were binging. Turns out, that was one of our favorite pastimes. I was
lucky all down with laundry so I could. We watched some nature documentaries
and history ones since it was my turn to pick. Dev normally chose sports or a
medical comedy which I liked as well but I especially loved history and nature
documentaries. We were halfway through our second episode when I heard the
all too familiar cry. I groaned and we paused the show and walked to Grayson’s
room. Dev picked him up and he cried even more. Dev tried to rock him but he
seemed to be in a t of rage. He was babbling like crazy. Then he stopped and
said something slowly. Sita tuble! He half yelled half babbled. Me and Dev looked
at each other. He talked!!! He had only said mama and dada at this point but a
sentence??? It comes from my side of the family. I think and smile. Did he jus-
yeah. Dev said nishing my sentence. He repeated it again which was more
impressive. HE SAID SOMETHING! I say and I throw him up in the air. All the
anger was gone replaced with joy and pride in my son. He smiled as I threw him
up but then turned serious again. Dev studied him. What? I ask him. Um.. I think
Something’s wrong. He says. What?? I think and look at Grayson. What do you
mean?! He’s talking! I tell Dev. Dev nods but still doesnt look convinced. Yeah.. but
Apollo is the god of prophecy. My dad. I can understand different stuff others
can’t. He says. I wanted to roll my eyes so bad. I loved Dev with all my heart
but sometimes…. Anyway there were something’s I wanted to say but that
wasn’t going to help. Okay… and? Cypher knows more about this stuff than you.
I point out and I felt a tiny and I mean tiny bit of pride in the statement
knowing that I had made a very good point. Grayson babbled and reached for
Dev. Rude. I think. Favoritism already???? What was with this kid??? Grayson
repeated the phrase. Unease started to set in. Maybe Dev was on to something.
Sita tuble… sister trouble. Dev says slowly. I froze. Grayson smiled and stopped
crying. Okay… oh no. All the doubts I had had about the twins exploded and
dominated my thoughts. Are they okay? I just talked to Cypher not 24 hours
ago. What could’ve happened in that time? I never should’ve let them go alone!!
What was I thinking?! I look at Dev and know he’s thinking the same thing.
Evelyn… you dont think-I say. Well theres only one way to nd out. Dev says. I
grab Grayson back and hug him. Mama and Dada are going to save sissy and
buba! I tell him even though he can’t understand me. You are going to stay with
Grandma and Grandpa Bexter! I tell him and try to sound calm and happy when
I was totally panicking. He started crying and I sighed. You take Grayson and
grab the stuff. Ill call my parents and explain everything and grab the quest
bags. I tell Dev and we start working as fast as we could. Dev and me were like
a well oiled machine and we had to be. we always had three bags packed with
supplies for a quest because you never know. Especially with the twins. I
grabbed two and left the backup one. I dialed my mom’s number and it rang
three times before her sweet voice picked up. Hey darling! How’s Grayson? She
asks. He’s good. Mom im kind of in a bind and I was wondering if you could
watche Grayson for me? I ask. Of course! We’d love to watch him. Is everything
ok? Have you gotten any news about Astraea? She asks. She had been worried
sick over Astraea and I was her only link to getting any news. No unfortunately
n9ot Mom but it does concern the twins and depending on if our theory is right
then we might have bigger problems. I explain. Oh ok. Well, we’ll see you in a
momnet dear! She says. Thanks Mom your a lifesaver! I tell her and hang up. I
nod to Dev as we hop in the car and pull out. I handed him his change of
Clothes I had brought so he could wear something other than his
scrubs. Thanks. He says. No problem. I tell him and we drive to my
parents house. They didnt live far, just up state. We pulled in and
Mom and Dad were waiting at the door with big smiles. I grabbed
Grayson’s bag while Dev grabbed Grayson himself. He was fussing
but we walked up. Thank you so much mom. We really appreciate
you watching him on such short notice. I tell her. No problem sugar!
Come to grandma! She says and takes Grayson from Dev. He fusses
and she just laughs. Well aren’t you a loud one. She says. I smile
despite the loud protests. I give him a kiss on the forehead. Be
good for Nana and Papa ok? I tell him. He babbles even more and I
force myself to step away. As much as Grayson drove me crazy, he
was the closest thing to my heart. I hated being separated from
him but I had to, for my other babies. He cried as we left. I hopped
in the car and sighed. Dev put his hand over mine. He’ll be ok. He
says. I know, but I dont like leaving him. I tell him. He nods. Well,
we’ll be back before he can say mama and dada. He says and
smiles. I chuckle and we pull out. I watched them wave until I
couldnt see them anymore. Hang on Evelyn and Cypher, we’re
coming. I think and put in the navigation for Kentucky.