Me: WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!Dad: *defending my mom* your mother was worried about you! All of you!She wanted to leave you something!Me: A1ch01?!Dad: THAT’S ALL SHE HAD!? YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHINGABOUT YOUR MOTHER!Me: SHE WAS NEVER HERE!Dad: she was a beautiful, crazy, fragile wonderful woman!Me: SHE WAS ASLEEP ALL DAY OR TOO OUT OF IT TO EVENACKNOWLEDGE US!Dad: She loved us!Me: *p!$$3d* THAT WAS LOVE!Dad: yes, yes it is.Me: Alright then why’d she leave?Dad: you don’t know what you’re talking about!Me: if she loved us why wasn’t she ‘here’*me and dad say at the same time*Dad: she tried,Me: she was never hereDad: she always tried-Me: SHE WAS NEVER F-KING HERE! SHE LEFT! I was four. Four andtaking care of you. Taking care of all of us. I was in 2-3 grade and makingsure everything was ok in the house so that we wouldn’t d!3. Staying up allnight with Malorie and Lilly when they had nightmares. I WASHED LILLYAND MALORIES SH!TT¥ DIAPERS! I HE- *starts crying* -LPEDAIDYN WITH HIS HOMEWORK! AND I WAS ALONE WHEN I GOTMY FIRST PERIOD! Not Samantha. Me. Never you you were always toobusy with work. She was a jûnk!3, and a drûñk.Dad: Enough.Me:*whips tears away* she didn’t love me. She didn’t love you… she didn’tgive a sh!+ about anyone but herself..Dad: please….Me: I’m glad she’s d3@d. *walks away*