10seconds in SQUAT 15seconds of SQUAT10seconds of JUMPING JACKS 15seconds of JUMPING JACKS10secondsof BURPEES 15secondsof 3URPEESseconds of LUNGES 15secondsof LUNGES10seconds of PLANK 15seconds of PLANHank squat 20seconds in SQUA 20seconds of SQUATi20secondsof JUMPINGJACKS 20seconds ofJUMPNG JACKSit20seconds of BURIES 20seconds of BURPEESFÉ20seconds of LUNGES 20seconds of LUNGES20seconds of PLANK25seconds in SQUAT25secondsof BURPEESis.asssi'si iiiisedi'sii iÉÉii25seconds of LUNGE25seconds of JUMPING JACKS25secondsof PLANK 30secondsof SQUATJUMPS 30secondsof SQUATJUMPS3 PUSHUPS 3 PUSHUPS30secondsof CRUNCHES 30secondsof CRUNCHESof JUMPING JACKS JUMPING JACKS385 1 of Plank 385 1 Plank