Ahh guys help me this was so confusing and sad :(
So during Math Class today we had to order off each others menu to conclude our Menu Project well the guy I
currently sit next to asked if I would be his partner so I said yes, but when it was time to order… (You can only order
off one persons menu come up with a subtotal and subtotal with tax) well my friends boy friend came marching up to me
slamming his menu on my desk (he didn’t slam it) lets call him C well C wanted to be my partner I was kinda confused
considering his girlfriend was sitting behind us, and then lets call him L C and L started Fighting (Verbally) I was very
confused and had to watch C win the fight and watch L who asked first walk around trying to find a partner with the
saddest look on his face… but C did my math for me which was a life saver because I would have gotten a Big fat F on
that in one second I’m still very confused as to why C wanted to be my partner he sits next to me in science and yeah
we talk and laugh together but C and L both have met and know I have a bf so just in case your wondering I absolutely
know they did not fight cause they liked me anyways just wanted to share my confusing story :)