URGENT-IMPORTANT-MATRIX-Christen-Coaching-Consulting (2)
Christen Coaching & Consulting www.christenconsulting.ch | The Urgent-Important Matrix 1
“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.”

--Dwight D. Eisenhower, former US President

Purpose: The key to successful time management is to spend
your time on tasks that are important in addition to the ones that
are urgent. This Urgent-Important Matrix tool is designed to help
you objectively judge where you currently spend your time and
where you can make changes to make time for important goals in
addition to urgent ones.

Time Required: 45 minutes

Instructions: 1. Print out this entire worksheet (studies show that retention will be higher when handwritten!).

2. Carefully read the following background information to understand The Urgent-Important Matrix.

Quadrant 1: Urgent/Important

This quadrant is for the highest priority tasks - they need to get done NOW. They’re tasks that require our
immediate attention and also work towards fulfilling our long-term goals and missions in life.


Baby is crying
Urgent request from boss
Water-heater breaks down

Deadline-driven projects
Most Common Challenges

They’re urgent! You feel you have to get them
done first and foremost.


There are 2 types of urgent / important
activities: ones you could not have foreseen and
others you left until the last minute. Eliminate
last-minute activities by planning ahead, being
proactive, and avoiding procrastination.

Leave time in your schedule to handle
unexpected issues and important activities.

Too many unplanned demands from others?
Acknowledge the task and respond with a
commitment to complete it a later date.

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Quadrant 2: Not Urgent/Important

This quadrant is for the activities that don’t have a pressing deadline, but nonetheless help you achieve your important
personal and work goals as well as help you fulfill your overall life mission. This is where you want to spend the most
time because these are the activities that provide us lasting happiness, fulfillment, and success.




Routine car and home maintenance

Creating a budget and savings plan

Most Common Challenges

People tend to focus on whatever is most pressing
and not on items without a deadline.

If you don’t know your core values and goals, you
won’t know what to spend your time on to reach
those goals.


The tasks in this quadrant are probably the most
neglected ones but are the most crucial for

To overcome focusing only on pressing deadline,
you must be mindful and consciously decide to
work on your goals. Plan time for these activities so
the tasks from quadrant 1 and 3 don’t take over.

If you’re unsure of your core values or life mission,
try out our Core Values exercises.

Quadrant 3: Urgent/Not Important

This quadrant is where you are busy but not productive. Q3 tasks are activities that require our attention now (urgent),
but don’t help us achieve our goals or fulfill our mission (not important). These tasks are often mistaken as being
important when they’re most often busywork.


Phone calls / Emails / Text messages
Household chores / Paying bills
Co-worker comes by your desk for a favor

Friend asks for your help with a task

Most Common Challenges

Q3 tasks often involve helping others meet their
own goals and fulfill their own priorities and they’re
usually not important to you.

Q3 tasks often give a sense of satisfaction as you
check items off your to-do list. You feel like you’re
getting a lot accomplished.


Those who spend their time on Q3 tasks often
want to please others at the expense of their own

Avoid these tasks as they come to you if at all
possible. It may be appropriate to say "no",
reschedule or delegate items.

Provide specific availability time slots when people
know they can speak with you or when you set
aside time to meet their requests.
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Quadrant 4: Not Urgent/Not Important

This quadrant is where we go to escape after spending too much time in Q1 and Q3 most often at the expense of
doing fulfilling Q2 activities! These activities are often a distraction and should reasonably minimized. Leisure activities
don’t need to be completely removed from your schedule, but be mindful of how much time you spend here.


Mindlessly surfing the web

Scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Watching TV

Analysis paralysis

Most Common Challenges

Q4 activities are often “default” time spenders as
opposed to well-planned activities that add value to
our lives.

We often use Q4 activities as a crutch for de-
stressing, when we’re indecisive, when we have a
free minute.


Create a clear schedule and to-do list for your day
so you don’t find yourself defaulting to Q4
whenever you have free time.

Q4 activities provide us some much-needed
relaxation and joy; instead of aiming to completely
rid yourself of these, try setting a limit on the
amount of time you spend on them.

3. Make a list of up to 15 current tasks in your life. Assess each task: Is this task urgent (does it require immediate
attention)? Is this task important (will it contribute to your long-term values, missions and goals)?

Task Urgent Important

1. ______________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

2. ______________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

3. ______________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

4. ______________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

5. ______________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

6. ______________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

7. ______________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

8. ______________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

9. ______________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

10. _____________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No
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Task Urgent Important

11. _____________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

12. _____________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

13. _____________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

14. _____________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

15. _____________________________________________________________ Yes No Yes No

4. Based on your above task list, place the name of each task in its corresponding quadrant of important / urgent.
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5. Assess what % of your tasks you are currently completing in each Quadrant (totaling 100%):

Q1: _________________ %

Q2: _________________ %

Q3: _________________ %

Q4: _________________ %

6. Assess what % of your tasks you would like to be completing in each Quadrant (totaling 100%): Note: Remember that
Quadrant 2 is ideally where you want to spend the most time because these are the activities that provide you with
lasting happiness, fulfillment, and success.

Q1: _________________ %

Q2: _________________ %

Q3: _________________ %

Q4: _________________ %

7a. What is/are the tasks that you’re currently spending too much time on?





b. What actions do you want to take to change that?





8a. What is/are the most important task(s) that you're not currently spending enough time on?




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b. What actions do you want to take to change that?





9. What are other reflections and takeaways you’ve gotten from looking at your time management in this context?









Final Thoughts

You will feel a huge shift once you have mastered using this matrix to filter your to-do list. As you spend more and
more time working on your Not Urgent / Important tasks, you’ll begin to feel a deep sense of fulfillment in your life
that you didn’t previously have. You will see and feel the difference as you’re making real progress towards the
things that are most important to you. You’ll also have a new sense of calm and control as you prevent crises and
problems that would have previously arisen in the Urgent / Important quadrant and as you learn to prioritize away
from others’ requests in the Urgent / Not Important tasks. And then, with this newfound sense of fulfillment, you
can really enjoy those Not Urgent / Not Important indulgences without any guilt!

Many people use this method daily to sort their to-do list but you may find weekly or on an as-needed basis works
best for you.