United Peace CorePRulesAPPLICATION• Must have good Notability Record to apply.• must stay kind! If You are caught being mean, You will beKicked out!• Keep notability peace. Stop arguments.• No hateful notes!• If You find bullying stop it OR Contact us via note.•Do not engage in the argument.•If the argument is bigger than me, contact notability support.•if you get into an argument yourself on notability, try to stop orcontact Secretary of Defense to handle the situation United Peace Core OATH: I will not bully or harass people. I will stop arguments that I haveEncountered and being peace to the platform. I WILL remember the rules and guidelines placed by thenotability admins. I will appreciate my life. If I find bullying I WILL stop it. If I encounterHacker bullying, I WILL contact notability support.Notability Name amariistrawberriPo file Picture didn'tputhitelyJob Refer to Page below Secretaryof1AAccount Age if remember HeyrsReason for applymentNota can have major fightsfor many reasons thatchangethegallery forthe worst Iwantto make this community safeandhappy President of UPCVice President of UPCSecretary of Defense Secretary of Internal AffairsPeace KeepersPresident of UPC: elected leader of UPC and is in charge of the group [Taken]Vice President of UPC: 2nd in command of UPCSecretary of Defense: in charge of keeping the peace in Notability (Head enforcer)Secretary of Internal Affairs: in charge of internal arguments and fight (the group’s peace keeper)Peace Keepers: regular people in the group and vote for President