YINUTRIENTSIEonyaratestimins energy sourceheal build tissuefatsprotein mineral sustain growthtransport oxygenwater regulate body functionsmumHunger Appetitebody is looking forfood ucravingstomachgrumblesNutrient Dense vs Empty CaloriesCARBOHYDRATESIg of carbs 4calories55 65 of daily caloriesu preferred source of energyspares breakdown of protein for energyfiber aids in digestionsimple sugarsfructose fruitlactose milksucrose sugarcanev added sugarslimit 6 10 of total calories or less candysoft drinks coke cookies etc25g females 438grams malescomplexstarchesmust be broken down to simplesugars to be usedwhole grains legumes beanspeastubers YIbody converts all branendospemcarbs into glucosegig or germunused glucose isstored in the livermusclesconverted to glycogenreconverted into glucose when neededbecomes fat after 12 24 hrsglycemic index responseclassifying food by how much theyraise blood sugarFIBERindigestable complex carbohydrate notenergytough stringy part of plant foodsv20 35g dailydigestive healthregular bowel movementsfunctional fiber added to foodsceliacDisease inabilityto digest glutendiarrheafatigueabdominal discomfort unable toabsorb vitamins mineralsfoods high in fiberRDA 20 359s dailybeans peas YIFATSI g 9 cats20 30 of total catsenergyinsulatesgrowthcushions transport fat solublevitamins healthy skin insulateu fat formuladaily calories x o 20 calories from fat perday9 for gramssaturated fat trans fatsmust be limited 10better option is monosaturated polysaturatedthickersolid firm at room tempsources whole dairy meat tropicaloilsall carbons are fullimproves consistency longer shelf lifedoes not pick up flavors of fried foodranstats banned since 2018result of hydrogenationforcing hydrogen onto mono polyunsaturated tatsextends shelf life improves consistencylactose intoleranceinability to digest the sugar lactose indairyhomogenizedsmooths texture of milk juicemonosaturatedliquid at roomtempolive canolapeanut oilsif polyunsaturatedliquid at room tempsafflower sunflower corn sesame cottonseed YICHOLESTEROLonly found in animal sourcesproduced in the liver300mg dailyHDL highdensity lipoproteinsLDL lowVLDL veryLOWblood cholesterol 5200ratio of total to HDL shouldbe 4 1WATERvital to every body functiontransports nutrients carries out wastelubricates jointsdigestionmaintain normal body tempavg 6407 perdayovariesavoid caffeinated products the increase urineproductionITAMINS MINERALSwater soluble not producedBEC I must be consumedfat soluble calcium helps toADEK form bones teethFollowDV daily value aids in blood clottingtoo much can assists musclesnerveslead up in body sourcesdairy fortifiedjuices greenleafyvegetables