SoE2 Lura Pov 2
We piled into my car and Dev offered to drive. I felt all of a sudden tired and
took a nap on the drive after I told Dev which ways to go. They were mostly
back roads since I wanted to avoid attention. I fell asleep and dreamed I was
back at camp. It was more of a memory than a dream. It was from when I
was 15 and Annabeth and Nika and I were trying and planning for our war
games team strategy. We were all on the same team and trained a lot for it.
We had a lot of fun that day. I was woken up from it to the car jumping. ow.
I herd from the back and I guessed Evelyn had a rude awakening as well. Im
sorry! I heard Knole say. It wasn’t your fault… IT WAS DEVIN’S STUPID
DRIVING SKILLS! She snapped and stared at Devin. He looked at her. Its not
my driving! Its these stupid backroads Lura said were faster! He snapped. It
is! Plus I dont want monsters coming after these kids! I say and eye him. He
rolls his eyes and grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. Ew. Evelyn says and
mocks us. I almost laugh because she doesn’t know that Knole liked her. The
kids played eye spy but eventually gave up. Im hungry. Cypher said randomly.
You always are! Dev says. I know but im starving! He says, almost whining. You
always are! I tell him and it comes out more as me snapping at him. His face
went red and the whole car laughed. He turned even redder and we continued