I can act really innocent then change my mode tho very dirty with a blink of an eye, with different moods as well -@shadowolfI got stabbed sharkRemix this and tell me something you know or cando that scares people when they find out about itI can run (like full sprint) while carrying 3+ bags. -@duck-want-breadI could break a part of my leg while running. I run about everyday from sports. -@ace_w01fI can get away with just about anything except for when it come to my gf -@felix_is_hot69I can find when anyone was born also I have dirty mind so… you dont ever want to knowwhat is going through my mind-@theraeltogakillermha I can fit my whole fist in my mouth, stalk random people very very well, and also be really really really scary (also nosebleed on command, cry oncommand, and basically feel any emotion on command) —@jgirl