I guess the gods throw lots of parties even if bad things happen. Devin got me and Knole ready, andLura got Evelyn and CJ. Mom and dad were going to spend ‘quality time’ together, but I knew whatthey meant when they said that. Dad missed her, and she missed him. I heard about some of thestuff they had been through together but, not much. Mom and Dad had save each other in so manyways. Dad saved mom physically, countless times; and Mom saved dad mentally, countless oftimes.“I… I don’t like this.”The old Greek tunic felt weird, and it was definitely to small. I looked at Devin who looked prettygood in his.“Your going to have to suck it up.” Devin said giving a small laugh. I turned to Knole, who literallydidn’t have an outfit. He didn’t have a shirt, and his goat legs didn’t need the fake feet for themortals.I rolled my eye and we walked out. The girls were wearing a beautiful Greek dresses, except Evelyn.She had a Roman style one (no duh). My eyes fell on CJ. Her hair was put up so beautifully, and Icouldn’t take my eyes off of her. I walked up to her, as the gods, nymphs, and others walked in.“Hi.”“Hey! Some family reunion huh?” She said softly.I raised an eyebrow. “Huh?”CJ rolled her eyes and giggled. “Your mom and dad?” She said simply, looking me down.“Oh… oh yeah… yeah that was… something.” I said softly. CJ looked at me carefully, and nodded.“We can talk later. Wanna dance Poindexter?”“Do I? I don’t know… do you.” I asked smirking. CJ rolled her eyes, and grabbed my hand. Sheyanked me, and I came with her. She wrapped her arms around me, and I got real nervous. I tried todance with her, but I kept stepping on her feet.“I’m sorry!”CJ bit her lip and shut her eyes. “It—is—fine!” She forced out with pained eyes. I felt bad. Reallybad. I stepped on her feet again, and I gave up.“I’m sorry… I can’t dance.”CJ smiled, and held my hands. “Here… left foot, right foot on repeat. One step forward two stepsback.” She said simply. I raised an eyebrow, and she rolled her eyes. She got me back out. “Leftfoot, right foot; one step forward, two steps back.”I listened to what she said, and she’d say it over and over. I watched my feet, and made sure not tostep on her’s anymore.“I… I think I’m getting it.”“Yes, now don’t step on my feet!” She said happily. I smiled, and spun her around. We kept going,and CJ warned me that if I stepped on her foot again, I’d have a dagger to my throat. A part of mewanted to test it out, but with Hermes around… I’m not going to pull anything. We kept dancing,and I got shoved from behind. I turned around, and was ready to deck someone, when dad gave mea evil smirk, and stuck his leg under me, and tripped me.“Oops.” He said plainly, spinning my mom around.I caught my balance and glared at my dad… he seemed different. More playful, and sarcastic— in agreat way! It didn’t take me long to realize he was happy. I turned to CJ, and smiled.“Are you okay?” She asked softly.I nodded, and kept my forced smile. “Yeah… mom and dad are happy.” I didn’t really want to knowif I liked them being happy right now. What if mom stayed with dad… I’d never really see her again.“Your not okay.” CJ said firmly. I nodded, and stood there. “Your scared she’s gonna stay here.”“Yeah… how did you know?”She shrugged and smiled. CJ slipped her hand onto my face, and pulled me down. “I’ve known youlong enough to know.” She said kissing me. I kissed her back, but she soon let go and walked away.Huh… what a girl.My stupid Greek tunic felt light. I reached into my pocket, and my daze, became a glare at CJ—who was still walking away.I ran up to her, and she bursted off into a sprint.“GIVE ME MY WALLET BACK!”I chased after her, and finally she gave up. CJ laughed, as I snatched it back. “Your a jerk.” Icomplained.“You are too.” She said smiling. I couldn’t help but smile back, and walk with her back to the mainarea. Mom, Dad, Devin, and Lura were gone, but oh well. It kinda meant I could do whatever. Westarted dancing again, and I loved it.*}Astraea{*Us adults snuck off, and sat in Cole’s area. Not his room, but he had a hangout place, with a couch,a big chair, and fireplace. Devin sat down on the chair, and Lura sat in his lap. I stood there andsmiled, as Greyson whined. Lura rolled her eyes, and rocked Greyson to sleep.“He has a little attitude does he?”Lura and Devin nodded. “Uh huh. He’s… special.” Devin said nicely.I laughed, and felt a large hand on my shoulder.“Come on, let’s sit down.” Cole said softly. Gods I missed him. We sat down on the couch, and Colewrapped an arm around me.“So… I’m going to be the one to ask. What did you mean about Kronos?” Lura asked carefully. I satthere for a second. I almost lost it in Tartarus, and almost given up.“I… you feel him. He’s waiting for a host… a willing one. It hast to be a demigod or a god.” Iexplained softly.“Kronos confronted you.” Devein said softly. “Didn’t he?”I stayed silent. When your desperate and in the worst place of existence… I almost let him in. Inodded softly, and they seemed to understand.“I talked to Hades about it. He has guards around all of the entrances to Tartarus… but one day, itmay happen. He might come back again. Key word, might.” I said softly.Everyone nodded, and I looked at Cole. He scratched his bearded chin, and took a deep breath.“Knowing our luck, one day it will happen.” He said softly.We stayed silent for a bit, and Cole laid back. His eyes fluttered, and he slumped back, pulling medown with him.“Cole?!”His eyes popped open and he jumped up and drew his sword.“WOAH MAN!”“CHILL!”“COLE!”He looked at all of us, and I noticed the bags under his eyes. I guess I was so happy to see him… Ididn’t see how he was.“Cole… are you okay?”He nodded, and blinked hard. “Yeah… just tired.”“You look more than tired.” Devin said with a doctory attitude.Lura nodded, and Cole shook his head.“I’m fine.”“You need sleep.” Lura said holding the sleeping Greyson.Cole shook his head again. “No! I’m fine! What make you guys think that?!” He asked with his eyeswavering.I sat him down on the couch, and he looked around carefully. “Cole, get some rest.”“Astraea I’m fine! I’ve been fine!” He said… more convincing himself.“When was the last time you got sleep?” Lura asked.Cole looked at us carefully, and counted on his fingers— we all knew he was stalling.“Cole stop stalling. How long?” Devin asked tilting his head. Cole sat back finally. “Three years. Since you um… yeah.” He said softly.“Cole, that’s not good.” Lura said softly.“It’s fine.”“No its not. Everyone needs rest or else your brain goes haywire.” Devin explained.“I’m a god. Im fine.” He protested.“Yeah, and you gods get cranky and mad when your tired.” Devin said folding his arms. Cole rolledhis eyes, and I looked at Lura and Devin.“You two can leave with the twins when you want… I’m. Gonna help the big guy.” I said softly.They nodded, and left.“Astraea I’m fine.”“Cole, shut up, and sleep.” I aid laying down next to him. We laid together in silence, and he playedwith my hair some. He stopped, and is breathing eased. I smiled, and kissed his sleeping face. Imust have been tired to, because I fell asleep in his arms.