Prologue 14 years agoIt was a nice sunny day and today would have been a nice day to go outside but not to sandstormwho as always is depressed sitting in her house by the stronghold queen thorn was talking tosomeone that day and so all sandstorm could do was morn the loss of her father and hope nobodywould guess she was a animus dragon that was until later that day when a bunch of dragonsstarted flying over the desert they didn’t look like any normal dragon tho they had a bunch ofrandom colors and four big wings sandstorm got curious and went to check it out and that’s whenone of them landed sandstorm was approaching when his head shot up and looked at her she wasso surprised she jumped backwards but when she regained composure she walked up to him“hello” she said “I’ve never seen you before what are you”he got up “well I’m a dragon that seemsobvious”he said “names silksong what’s yours”he took a step towards her and she took a stepback he stopped “im friendly you don’t have to worry”and he took another step witch made herheart skip a beat what is she feeling happiness love the stuff she never felt when her father diedShe took a step forward “my names sandstorm”as she said it he took a step forward witch madeher jump again “I’m sorry it’s just I’ve never seen a dragon like you before you so pretty”he saidwitch made her heart skip a beat “well not as pretty as you I mean look at all those colors”she saidand as she said that they both were in front of each other her heart was racing now and she nearlyfainted when he picked up her talon ant took it in his “the sky looks nice out today care to go for a
flight” and she took his other talon in hers and said “gladly”