School bingo
School Bingo
You have Your fav Youarein You hate You love
a hallway subject is hischool math school
crush history
You arein Your fav Youhave Youarin You love
middle subject is 9 45 elementary school
school math school
You hate Yourfav You have You have You have
school subjectis amazing lots of one close
Language handwriting friends group
You are Your fav Youhave You ane You are
end subjectis terrible really shy badat
at school science handwriting at school math
Youhave You have You drop You think Yourfriends
an onereally your bags Middle high an your
extracurricular bad teacher regularly lockerooms If itskill an gross
Youane You have Youdo You have You avoid
slowat One really most of acusty people at
PE goodteacher 5ham locker school