Pitch perception review
Auditory Sensations on a frequency scale from low to
high Where frequency depends on thesound Pressure Waveform
Pitchperception is thebasis of musical melody
Variations in Pitchgivethesensationofmusicaltunes
Toneheight describesmusicalpitch is related to thelog of the
frequency of thetone
Tonechroma is the quality oftones w thesame letter on
the musical scale
Pitch strength refers to the strength or weakness
of a sounds pitch
MEL Scale
The unit for subjectivepitchis calledMEL
thestandard of 1kHz 40PhonsdBspD Ik Mels
T 3.5k mels covers the audiblerange
MELas afunctionofFreqwhere
TheMelscalehas its probsbut itdoesindicatethatpitch
S q 10 g g change
SwsBtoBIdistance crit bands
low freq pitchedfreq
High Frey Pitch Freq
When intensity increases the pitch of LF
2kHz decreased
When intensity increases the pitchof AF
74k He increases
Freq Discrimination Fb
not a direct measure of Pitch percep
We've goneoverthis honestly
J nd Just noticeable difference
DIF diff Ii men for Freq
FM DL FM detection linen
DLF for PTones Varies w Frey increasing Hf
Intensity improving high
bestmiddlefreq region comfylistening
level is 2 10 s
C 2 of the nominal Frey
Theories of pitch perception
analyzedspectrally by the tonetop organization of
the BM
If Af tones Producetheirmax displacements basalend
É8 LFtonesproducetheirmaxdisplacements Apicalend
4AW correspondingneuralTTo Fromnerveto cortex
insufficient for LF
Temporal theory rely on thetimingpatternofneuralpulses
Of sounds
Wo Stimmyneuronsrandomly fire
W Stimpy neuron spikesaresynchronized w Periodofsignal for
Freys 4 SkHe
Pitch perup depends ontheneuralsynching
insufficient for Hf
Both theories only cover part of Pitch perup
Place Timing areinvolved w relativeimportancedependent on
freq soundtype
Beats lol
related to pitch perup
When 2 tonesthataresimilarclose inFreqleg5004504ite arePresentedheard
Then'the Avg ofthe2iswhatis perceivedlegsoa c thetone
Will Wax wane in loudness tothedifferencebw1stsetoftonesleg4
BestBeats Whentheintensitylevels of atonesareequal
thebeats will begreaterlouder
As leveldifferenceincreasesthebeatloudnessdecreases
Pitch of complexes
Pitch can be periodic complexeshavingharmonicstheperception
of these harmonics correspond
to the Fo
When lowerharmonics are removed from a
Periodiccomplex thepitchstill corresponds
tothat fo even if its missing
LDAAKA Virtual pitch lowpitch
Periodicity pitch residuepitch
Pitch of missing fundament
Virtual Pitch canbe heard in
masking noise the Fo
Pitch perception can possibly be an
Auditory pattern matching press or
Temp processing
Moore's Model
A modd combiningthe other theories
5 age
resolvesLFHarmonics l Bank of BPF bandpassfilters
2 Neuraltransduction
3 Analysis of Spikeintervals
4 Comparison of timeintervalsacrosschannels
s Desicion mechanism Picking themost
Prominent interval
Pitch of noise
Highpass Lowpass noise w steep
slopes have cut off freq that corresponds
w pitchquality