PitchAuditory Sensations on a frequency scale from low tohigh Where frequency depends on thesound Pressure WaveformPitchperception is thebasis of musical melodyVariations in PitchgivethesensationofmusicaltunesToneheight describesmusicalpitch is related to thelog of thefrequency of thetoneTonechroma is the quality oftones w thesame letter onthe musical scalePitch strength refers to the strength or weaknessof a sounds pitchMEL ScaleThe unit for subjectivepitchis calledMELthestandard of 1kHz 40PhonsdBspD Ik MelssT 3.5k mels covers the audiblerangeMELas afunctionofFreqwhereTheMelscalehas its probsbut itdoesindicatethatpitch S q 10 g g changeSwsBtoBIdistance crit bandstoolow freq pitchedfreqHigh Frey Pitch FreqWhen intensity increases the pitch of LF2kHz decreasedWhen intensity increases the pitchof AF74k He increasesFreq Discrimination Fbnot a direct measure of Pitch percepWe've goneoverthis honestlyJ nd Just noticeable differenceDIF diff Ii men for FreqFM DL FM detection linenDLF for PTones Varies w Frey increasing HfIntensity improving highlevelsbestmiddlefreq region comfylisteninglevel is 2 10 sC 2 of the nominal FreyTheories of pitch perception heanalyzedspectrally by the tonetop organization ofthe BMIf Af tones Producetheirmax displacements basalendÉ8 LFtonesproducetheirmaxdisplacements Apicalend4AW correspondingneuralTTo Fromnerveto cortexinsufficient for LFTemporal theory rely on thetimingpatternofneuralpulsesOf soundsWo Stimmyneuronsrandomly fireW Stimpy neuron spikesaresynchronized w Periodofsignal forFreys 4 SkHePitch perup depends ontheneuralsynchinginsufficient for HfBoth theories only cover part of Pitch perupPlace Timing areinvolved w relativeimportancedependent onfreq soundtypeBeats lolrelated to pitch perupWhen 2 tonesthataresimilarclose inFreqleg5004504ite arePresentedheardThen'the Avg ofthe2iswhatis perceivedlegsoa c thetoneWill Wax wane in loudness tothedifferencebw1stsetoftonesleg4LEMMYE mmBestBeats Whentheintensitylevels of atonesareequalthebeats will begreaterlouderAs leveldifferenceincreasesthebeatloudnessdecreasesPitch of complexesPitch can be periodic complexeshavingharmonicstheperceptionof these harmonics correspondto the FoWhen lowerharmonics are removed from aPeriodiccomplex thepitchstill correspondstothat fo even if its missingLDAAKA Virtual pitch lowpitchPeriodicity pitch residuepitchPitch of missing fundamentVirtual Pitch canbe heard inmasking noise the FoPitch perception can possibly be anAuditory pattern matching press orTemp processingMoore's ModelA modd combiningthe other theories 5 ageresolvesLFHarmonics l Bank of BPF bandpassfilters2 Neuraltransduction3 Analysis of Spikeintervals4 Comparison of timeintervalsacrosschannelss Desicion mechanism Picking themostProminent intervalPitch of noiseHighpass Lowpass noise w steepslopes have cut off freq that correspondsw pitchquality