endocytosis to bring in bulk materialsuses ATPdepends on receptor proteinsthere are threetypesi pinocytosiscell drinking the engulfing of extracellular fluids in small vantitiese g dissolved solutes like vitamons proteinsengulfingliquidsbyPinchif pinocytotic cell will surroundthenengulfvessicle very spontaneousii phagocytosis notallcellscanfacilitatecell eating the engulfing of extracellular solids e.gwhitebloodcellsprotrudingout phagosometoengulfi 20É tocell phagasome primarylysosome fuseformationofsecondarylysome hydrolyticenzymesdigestmaterialiii receptor mediated endo veryspecificmust create a vesicle importantforcell signalingrequires receptorproteinsfrommembrane to engulf1 If c Ing toformvessicleat coated yamembranepinchesonmeItmavessicieformeatexample cholesterol removalofassistors mustbe largepertrude engulf us engulf pinch us require cellsignalsolid liquid cathrin pitexocytosisreleasing substances createdbycell out of CeATP e.g enzymes hormones wastevesicles carry these matterials after pinched off from golgi transface sacsvesicles will fuse with cell membrane's phospholipids to release contentsof release contents into plasma membranevesiclesmovedviamotorsecretion release of useful substance proteins microtubulesexcretion release of toxic substance waste