Squirrel ight
She is FireStar's daughter of course!
Blue star (bonus is grey stripe)
Greys mate is silver stream who's father is crooked star who's brother is oak heart who's mate is
blue star who's sister is snow fur who's son is white storm who's daughter is SorrelTail who's mate
is bracken fur who's bright hearts (lost face) brother who's cloud tails mate who's mother is princess
who's brother is....... FireStar!!!
Night heart (ame paw)
Night hearts mother is spark pelt who's mother is squirrel ight who's father is...... FireStar!!!
Night heart (star, with no 9 lives)
Night stars brother is Claw face, Claw faces former mate is Rowanberry, their kits are Ash heart and
Stumpy tail. Rowanberry's sister is Yellow fang her mate was ragged star and his brother was
scorch wind, one of scorch winds kits was Rowan star who's mate was tawny pelt who's brother is
bramble claw who's mate is squirrel ight who is....... FireStars daughter!!!