Hello everyone, this is E.The previous post has received criticism for being “too harsh” and formal apologies are in order. English is not the primarylanguage of this account and, which is why some wording came off as aggressive. This account was created to shine anunflinching light on the truth about fake art, and not target @Potuc themselves. It was not supposed to be a personal attackbut rather a comment on the nature of young artists and the mistakes they can make before they fully flourish.@Potuc has admitted to her mistakes and reacted in a very mature and amiable way, remaining objective andstraightforward which is the best way to grow as both a person and an artist.This account will do the same by owning up to the previous mistakes, and will be on hiatus indefinitely so wording,intention and criticism can be fully analysed and taken into consideration as to not unintentionally hurt anyone’s feelings.Once everything has calmed down, the exposed post will be removed, as per @potuc’s request.