happy feeling :)
I’m so happy rn. I had the best day yesterday. I had
Faith Formation class. I knew a lot of the material, so
I got a lot of questions right. It felt good. After that I
went to Mass—for the SECOND TIME that day. I
don’t go to the 5 o’clock Mass very often. It was
filled with teenagers vibing to praise and worship
music. It was cool. I might go again. Then a bunch of
us teens went to the Parish Center next door to test
out games for the Halloween party and eat a ton of
candy. And guess what? MY FORMER CRUSH
WAS THERE. I was kinda freaking out because he’s
still amazing. I think I handled it well…ish. Also, we
had a donut eating race where we divided into pairs
and one person held the donut up on a string and the
other tried to eat it without using their hands. I got
so much donut on my face. The pics are going on
Instagram (PLS DON’T LOOK FOR IT). We played
Sardines too, which is a game in which one person
hides and everyone else tries to find them. When
they do, that person hides with them. The game ends
when the last person finds the hider. Former Crush
and me were some of the first to find the hider, and
we were snort-laughing all together because he
wouldn’t stop coughing REALLY LOUDLY ON
PURPOSE so that the others would find us faster.
Funniest part of my day tbh. Overall it was the best
time and I feel extremely happy and holy from the
entire experience.