My favorite childhood Mexican song called “Raton Vaquero” Copy
A mouse has fallen in the mousetrap.
With his two pistols and his cowboy suit
He has to be gringuito because he always speaks English.
More than being a güerito and having big feet.
The cowboy mouse took out his guns.
He bowed his hat and told me alone.
What the heck is this house
For a manly cowboy mouse
Hello, you let me out
And don't catch me like a trout
With yes, you can see it.
That you're not comfortable there.
And even if you speak English, I won't let you out.
Behind the strong bars that protect the prison
Move your ears begging for compassion
The very ladino says that it is going to be reformed.
And even if he spoke to me in Chinese, I don't even have to let him go.
The cowboy mouse threw two bullets.
He sucked the bullets, and crossed his arms.
What the heck is this house
For a manly cowboy mouse
Hello, you let me out
And don't catch me like a trout
With yes, you can see it.
That you're not comfortable there.
And even if you speak English, I won't let you out.