~ Story Time ~Okay, this was today. I was playing the ✨ nInTenDo✨ with my sister and we literally about to finish a level " on a game we have beenstuck on for ages # . So my mum has to come come in and say: “ kAyLa dO yOuR KiCkUpS* ” so I say “✨ not RiGhT nOw MoThEr I’mNeArLy DoNe✨ ” and she looks at me in a disgusted way and rolls her eyes $ and I’m like “OMG ThE oFfEnCe” ❌ . So a few minuets later& she walks back into the room and takes the Nintendo away ' “ KaYlA dO tHeM dAmN kIcKuPs AnD you CaN hAvE iT bAcK” ( , THENTHE RAT ) TURNS OFF THE CONSOLE SO THEN WE HAD TO START AGAIN, I’m not even joking I saw red when this happened, but onthe bright-side ☀ I did my kickups and now she won’t EVER bother moi again +*for those who don’t know what a kick up is, it’s a series of bouncing a ball on your foot and not letting it touch the floor ⚽ *