Comment frickin’ limit (meow!)
One, I’m done with my peers
Two, no
What’s going on? U can talk to me if u want- I have nothing else better to do
“What do you have to show for yourself, merc? Blood? Gold? A broken throne? I will bury you so
completely that the earth will turn over a thousand times before your body is dug up.”
I am going to give u rabies./j
… say it. Say the line. Say the funny.
Bite me! >:3
Crimson 1 is amused
Heheh… =3
I have a question.
Mhm? ^w^
How would you deal with annoying little kids?
Uhm.. either lash out on them or cry bc that’s pretty much how I deal with shìt :P (don’t take advice
from me broski-)
What up bițches! >:D
*doing the Sharpe standing meme pose*
Angy crimson 1 noises
Hai Tomato! :3