Bible Study of the dayMarch, 3, 2024Isaiah 55:8-9“For my thoughts are not yourthoughts, neither are your ways, myways,” declares the LORD.” “As theheavens are higher than the Earth, soare my ways higher than your waysand my thoughts than your thoughts.What does it mean?This verse means that God is higherthan us, more powerful than us, andstronger than us.BY How does it apply to my life?It applies to your life because it istelling us that whatever we do, Goddoes it better. Whatever we think isgood for us might not be good for usin the future, through God’s eyes.Prayer:God and father, please help me to putaside my wants and what I think isgood for me. Please help me to followyour ways and do what you know isbest for me. Amen.564