New Besties
Guys. Guess what? I have two new besties. Taylor Hart
and Katie Wilson (@tessdarby21 and
@gymnasticsforever)! There’s this girl named Tasha, and
she was my bestie, but she totally dumped me. (See my
other note Bestie Breakup for the details) Now, I have
Katie and Taylor. But we’re not a group of 3, Taylor is in
another “group”, but she still my bestie. And then
there’s Katie, I’m in a group with her. And there’s this
group of girls named Tasha (new to the group), Bryleigh,
Tenley, Claire, and Brooke who absolutely torment me
and Katie. They’re always making fun of us and calling
us stupid, but we just ignore them. But I HATE them.
They’re so rude! And even if they’re on Notability, I really
don’t frickin care!