head shotOcName full name Age9 15human an dMelian Painite Hydrangea 9 yrsgyp lastftp.fISubject or scientistnotes Eye colorlilaconlyspeaksmorsecoded Hieght 312elflanguagenohumanlanguagehasnopersonalitydisorders Wed 5 bf bodyrllyquiet shy bloodtype Onegnotrllyimportanthernamekindameansarare beautifulgiftMelianmeansgift species elfPainiteistherarestgemstoneHydrangeaislike Othersdemigrltheflower dowhatuwantw that canchuckbuildings buff y Ijustdon'tmake it like a bigpartofheridentity toocosI caniiiA bit of backstoryw uShe comes from Europa (like the moon) Her ship toanother planet (not Earth) broke down and crashlanded on Earth. The scientists took her in, and toavoid being experimented on, she became a scientist.She hates the experiments and considers trying tostop them, but she's too afraid and unexperienced totry. She's very good at hiding her emotions tho, cosshe always has a poker face or meh face on despitethe fact that she always feels so angry at thescientists.