The Outsiders Reading Project. 200-Word Essay.
Part 1: Writing Prompt.
The outsiders is said to be the rst Young Adult novel to deal realistically with violence among
teenagers. Write a 200-word essay discussing why that matters in literature and in society.
Part Two: Create a movie poster for a new version of the movie. Cast major characters with modern
day actors. Your poster must include a signicant quote from the story.
The book “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton was important because it told the story of teenage
violence in the world. Hinton made this book unique because she was a teenager herself and wrote
about teenagers and teenage violence.
The main characters are kids growing up in New York’s West Side and are gang members in the
Socs and the Greasers. They are dierent because one gang, the Socs, has money and the
Greasers do not. This means they are rivals and sometimes, they ght each other. In one part of the
novel, Johnny, who is a former gang member in the Greasers, is beaten up by the Socs. Johnny had
been beat up before, by his dad, but the Socs scared and threatened him, which was dierent. After
that, he never walked alone by himself anymore and carried a switchblade.
After he was beaten, Johnny was comforted by the Greasers and Cherry, who was in the Socs.
They had a conversation about they were the same even if one had money, and the other did not.
This tells us that teenagers are more the same than dierent, and have the same issues. If they are
talking to each other, they can understand each other more instead of ghting.
In conclusion, the book “The Outsiders” shows us that we can be the same age and have things
in common. Fighting over money or dierences isn’t really necessary to do because it can create
problems for people to get hurt and die.