thatSUN MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT11 2 8 4 55 677 88 99 1100 11 12 13314 155 166 117 1188 1199 20FIT222 233 24 255 2266 227 228830 31montesses___ READING MATERIALRead About Atoms & MoleculesWHAT IS ATOMIC STRUCTURE?All atoms are made of three smaller particles called protons, neutrons and electrons.The protons and neutrons clump together at the center of an atom and the electronsorbit far away. Atoms can be combined to form molecules through chemical reactions.To better understand atomic structure…LET’S BREAK IT DOWN!Atomic StructureThe center of the atom, oftenreferred to as the nucleus, is madeup of protons and neutrons. Theprotons are positively charged, whilethe neutrons don’t have a charge.Orbiting around the outside of theatom at a tremendous speed anddistance are electrons. Electrons arethe smallest of the three subatomicparticles and have a negative charge. Empty space is found between the atomic nucleus andelectrons.Page 1Ottoman Microscopic AtomsAtoms are extremely small. Atomsare more than 10,000 times smallerthan the width of a hair. Even aclassroom microscope would not beable to see anything close to the sizeof an atom. A specializedmicroscope called a ScanningTunneling Microscope developed inthe 1980s can show us individualatoms. If you were to look at some iron filings with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope, you wouldbe able to see tiny spheres of iron atoms.Identifying AtomsEach element has a certain numberof protons, neutrons and electrons.We can find this information byreferencing the Periodic Table ofElements. For example, elementnumber 6 on the table is carbon,which is notated by the letter C. Theperiodic table also shows us thatcarbon’s atomic number is 6. Theatomic number tells us how many protons and electrons are present in the element. From thisinformation we know that carbon has 6 protons and 6 electrons.atopme