Hello Notability Peace Makers.We have another problem to take care of. There is a person named @eulers_number_e and he is bullying ANDsending suspicious links to notability. The problem is he isn’t (technically) bullying, he’s just assuming randomthings about popular drawers on notability. We do not know if this Euler guy or girl is knowing what they aredoing.As for you Euler, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE explain what your doing. I understand that you are trying tomake a career for yourself but your hurting random people with false information and spreading links. I don'tknow what the link has because my school blocked that website, but i already know its bad. You’ve been doingthis for… DANG 4 MONTHS!? And i just saw that you ALSO accused someone for tracing and you wrote anapology to that person for mis information. Just to make it clear again, Notability is a app for artist andcreativity. So the fact that you came onto here to complain to random people about tracing?So that you don’t think I'm being mean, some people NEED to trace because they are new artist OR they wantto show off something else. For example, a user named @poppypopcorn was tracing drawings. I had noproblem with this. But some people wanted to stop this tracing. I understood these people and i confrontedpoppy to give credit. Poppy wasn’t giving credit for the original artist. But now, i hope, she does. \But Euler you have to understand you can’t accuse people without evidence. I believe that a person is not guiltyuntil proven guilty and right now, you seem like the guilty.I hope you understand-SamcatttResponse is on the next page, please make sure to thoroughly read all paragraphs.Thank you. Hello, there appears to be a few misunderstanding regarding this account’s last two posts. Eachpoint of Sam’s post will be broken down in order.“he is bullying AND sending suspicious links to notability”Please understand, the aim of these post is not to hate and harass the user, but rather toencourage them to be the best artist they can be. As for the “suspicious links,” the link that canbe seen in the description of the post you’re referring to is quite far from dangerous. “Magma” isa collaborative art website that allows multiple users to draw on the same canvas in real time.This was used to showcase evidence that suggested that @urfav4rt1st was tracing as the websiteis easily accessible with the use of a link.“As for you Euler, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE explain what your doing. I understand that you are tryingto make a career for yourself but your hurting random people with false information andspreading links”Here is an explanation: this account aims to encourage users to be better artists by eithercrediting the original artist they have traced or at least being truthful about it. False informationis something this account always ensures to avoid. It is unwise to make a claim without evidence,which is why a handful of evidence is presented after making a claim. If you have found a mishapin this account’s posts please bring to light so it may be corrected.“I don't know what the link has because my school blocked that website, but i already know itsbad”The “suspicious link” again, is a collaborative art website that allows multiple users to draw onthe same canvas in real time. If you’d like to know the contents of the link, please go to thesecond most recent post on this account, as it is just a copy and paste of it (aside from a fewextra pieces of evidence).“You’ve been doing this for… DANG 4 MONTHS!?”That is just untrue (“false information,” if you will). The most recent post on this account goesback no more than 2 months ago. It is unclear where you got this number from.“And i just saw that you ALSO accused someone for tracing and you wrote an apology to thatperson for mis information.”Again, this can be classified as “false information.” The person you are referring to is @potuc, anartist that this account has called out for tracing 2 months ago. She was indeed tracing, andevidence was there to prove it. She immediately apologised for it and took down the traced posts.The apology you are referring to is an apology for calling her out in such a rude matter, notmisinformation. If you do not believe this account, please go ask @potuc herself (and also followher, her art is rather nice).“some people NEED to trace because they are new artist OR they want to show off something else. For example, a user named @poppypopcorn was tracing drawings. I had no problem with this.But some people wanted to stop this tracing. I understood these people and i confronted poppy togive credit. Poppy wasn’t giving credit for the original artist.”Of course, this account does not want to discourage people from tracing. As stated many timesbefore, the act of tracing is not inherently a bad thing. In fact it can be rather beneficial, either asa helpful learning tool for artists or a fun pastime. HOWEVER, problems arises when users tracebut claim it as their own and/or refuse to give credit. The situation is the same as@poppypopcorn, the tracing is fine but they do not give any credit, which is not. Funnily enough,your co CEO @r0_yal has notified this account in regards to the situation in hopes of a post beingmade on them. However it seems the user has left the community for good so her request wasdenied.“But Euler you have to understand you can’t accuse people without evidence. I believe that aperson is not guilty until proven guilty and right now, you seem like the guilty.”You are absolutely correct, accusing people without evidence is very foolish. However evidencewas brought to light (please refer to the second most recent post on this account or ask @potucon her account on her own situation).Now, to addresses the comments you made in this account’s posts.“It is a VERY common notability rule to NOT post suspicious links”After reading through the notability guidelines, this account was not able to find any rulesregarding links of any sort. If you could please show which section you are referring to, the linkwill be removed.“since your so good at trying to make people lose followers by false information, would i interestyou in the notability peace makers. Because i need u to stop accusing people. Tracing art is ok.”It is unclear what you mean by your first statement, as @potuc lost only 1 follower, and although@urfav4rt1st’s follower count did lower at a point, that is more likely due to the mass banningthat have been occurring. After some consideration, this account would like to join the notabilitypeace makers. But that is only if you allow this account to continue to make these kinds of posts.The last two points have already been explained in previous paragraphs.Hopefully some misunderstanding were cleared up. These posts do not aim to target and hurtpeople. Perhaps after this situation an acquaintance or even friendship can be formed.“e”patiently waits for you response.-e