u gottheu have feelin yousiblingsur bestfriendalwaysneedis ur to sleep to justifymore yourselfI have a siblinge ywI ts.es criesquietgtoserutada u hear on ur haircrush on what othersb soundstagesu likeItsenrgonnaMedyschoolggyoupretend ur never a dohsometimeu enoughfor have a blood drinkeatwereokay complex much nearlybut actually anyoneandy Watt sureasnegatingdÉÉ nothingu think Ur favcolor ur au like topurplegreenpaint urnails preppyEglyno matter ifur yetis black reditdontboystasu doany u oncecrush on a who issupposedly fell offu had asports a baton91hNotgetbyt theonea psychothey'reallgorgeous o secretlyamaniac IsballetasportWHOHasU draw u wouldyou wannaYeasinghedescribe urselfharrypottermuch diesobadlynotalent É no ravenousEftur roomU Own u have hasthousand ur alwaysa bestfrienda cat no cluewhyin reallifeu still gohave friendsbutno.indrhhtsdtFedmamnotalwaysU once had my parentssobs'ta surgery thinkeverythingr ditoffenoidto schoolypxf.gegotmstungelazerbeamedis alrightor wereatage40 theythink IhaveMOREissuesthanIactuallydo Iwas IwasIwas