hydrocarbons onlycontains hydrogens carbonsalkanes smaller molecule gaseousmethane Ic ethane a c propane iagreiwmie.ieisiiatiigtidÉ it it1 It itI of É itIampgininermtin.MUe g butaneCatton butane i butanei i i ialkanes with sidechainsegch ca citecatgformula Caltzoname 3 ethyl 2,3 dimethylpentaneAlkenes unsaturated doublebond sbonds can be opened easily unstable liquidalkenesdoublebonds cause molecules to not rotate transmust indicate if alkene isomer is trans or cisHey c cin name Ie g cis a butenec É cs trans I buteneitcyclic structures rings highlyreactivecycloalkanes onlysingle bondsPentane us cyclopentanearomaticse g