I swear with Apollo sometimes, he never quits being the dirty minded guyhe is. I look at Vera and see that her blanket fell on the floor, I walks overto the blanket, and I bend down and grab the blanket. “Nice butt” Apollosaid with a big smirk on his face, I quickly stood up “seriously!” Iexclaimed, I quickly stood and covered Vera with her blanket, “Can we goto your room it’s a little bit boring with Vera sleeping the whole time”Apollo whined, I nodded. We both went up stairs and walked to my room,we shut the door behind us and and sat on my bed. He looks at me, “Kissiekissie” He said with a smile on his face, “Nah” I said. Looking at him with asmile, he nods, “Can I lay my head on your lap instead?” He asked. lookingat me a slight smile. I nodded and patted my lap. He gently lays his head inmy lap and looks at me. “What?” I said smiling at him. “You’re sobeautiful” he said laying his right hand on my face. “I’m a guy though” Isaid. “Boys can be beautiful as well” He said. I smiled and rolled my eyes, Ilook out the window to see that the moon is already up. “We should getsome sleep” I said. Laying me hand on Apollos forehead, he closes his eyesand nods. He sits up and lays next to me, “Cuddles please” he said in achildish voice. I nodded and got closer to Apollo. He slowly wrapped bothof his hands around me, he quickly fell asleep but it took me a while to fallasleep. At last I was able to fall asleep.In the morning I woke up to Apollo sleeping on the floor. “Did I kick him?”I thought to myself. I slowly sat up and I started at Apollo, I slowly got up”and walked over to Apollo. I pick up his leg and try to drag him up to thebed “Dang your heavy” I thought to myself. Twenty minutes passed and Iwas able to pull him up the bed. “Morning Sinn-” “shut up, leave me alone”I interrupted him. “Aw, is someone angry” he said. Pulling me down. Ilooked away. “What happened? Why are you so mad at me this early in themorning?” He said, making me look at him. “You weigh a lot, my backhurts from trying to pull you up the bed” I said. “Aww, want me too rubyour back?” He said. With a grin on his face. “No, I known what your sickmind plans to do” I told him. He scoffed and nodded, “plus I’m not going tospend two hours of my life cleaning bed sheets again” I added. He laughedand nodded. “Thats a good excuse” he said. I hit his head, “So you wereplanning to do it!?” I yelled at him. “It’s not my fault you’re so cute” he said. “Plus your body need a friend” he said, with a smirk all over his face.“Go to the corner now” I said. He scoffed “yes sir” He said. He stood up andwalked to the corner of my room. “You’ll stay there and think about yourchoices and decisions” I said.