Theo last of themV11nisisubject or Dentist Eye colort iiWeight 60bloodtype Ospecies Bdemon full bodyothers4is1sShe became a nurse while she wasn’t caughtyet ( read the ‘a bit of backstory’ )We don’t know her age but the legend says that she’s 1000+ yrs old. Shelooks like she’s 18 but she won’t admit what is her age.She was born in hell but is dating an angel in heaven, but then, when her bftried to sneak out to come to his house, he fell into the hole of the human’sworld. Ones she learn this she ran and jumped into the hole (what we call,the hole of earth ) but she didn’t change like all the other. When she was stillin hell, she was 18, but then landed on earth and stayed looking 18. Then shemeets her bf (that also hasn’t changed forms) and they lived together. Theystayed uncaught for 10000 yrs.But one day, scientists were trying to find subjects and they found VII. Sherefused to go but they got her by force. Her bf betrayed her by then sayingthat he was a scientist. She then lived 20 yrs in the science lab. When she gotthe talk to her ex, she convinced him to be a scientist in the lab. Theyaccepted but her real goal is to free the other subjects.