So, I’m ok. I lost a lot of blood but while i was in surgery they gave me a blood bag and yk, surgerystuff. Let me tell you of my experience.So first of all, they made me wear a blue gown which SUCKED! Then, they removed my bed fromthe waiting room and pushed me to the surgery room. It was pretty weird being in there for thefirst time. It has like… gadgets on the ceiling and walls, and there was a single narrow bed in themiddle of the room. Idk why I expected it to be a much wider bed but come on it’s CHOP. So whenthey asked me to lay on the bed, they took the other bed that I was on and I guess they went to putit back. Also a little background: my mom told the surgical team to put me to sleep using a maskand not a needle (which made me feel like a baby) AND she told them to figgin put me to sleepbefore the IV was put into my hand which, again, made me feel like a baby. Buuuuuuuuut it was agood call because my left hand hurts like hëll rn. Anyways, they put a towel under my legs toelevate them and put the mask on my face. Listen to me. I took 4 deep breathes. 4!!!!! And i fellasleep. I’m telling you bro, that stuff is NO JOKE! All I remember is seeing the 5 surgeonssurrounding me like a cult ritual and then boom, I’m in a bed in another room. Like, a time skip.And the weirdest thing (to me at least) is that I was dreaming about One Piece and the dreamlasted like 3 minutes. Like the what?When I did wake up in a completely different room, my head felt like it was spinning while a nursewas clicking away at her computer, and the gas mask (or whatever it’s called) was lying on mychest. I looked at the clock on the left side of the wall and, trust me when I say, I was surprised.From 5:47am to 11:39am (the last time I looked at a clock was before they took my bed to thesurgery room btw). Like the what? Are doctors sorcerers??? How- huh- NANI?????????????? Brothe entire thing felt like a video game cutscene. Maybe I thought that because I played Spider-Man2 for like 3 hours yesterday but it really did feel like a video game cutscene. I swear to you not,when I turned back around, the doctor asked me if I was “ok” like me looking at the clock executedher to move over next to my bed. And my burry vision + that entire mess = video game cutscene.My head is still freaking wobbly bruh. Ik I’m yapping a lot but just stay with me here. So anyways, Ianswered her with a “mmm” and she chuckled with “so cute” DA HËLL DO YOU MEAN “SO CUTE”?Then she hands me and apple juice box and shoves the straw into my mouth. I had no choice todrink it. I didn’t eat or drink anything for hours. Then I used my hand to signal her to take the juiceaway from me and she put it on her desk, and continued typing. What type of NPC ahh- anywayswhile she was typing she told me that my mom was coming back to get me and I can change out ofmy clothes. Uhh lady? I’m not stripping down in front of you + how do you expect me to walk? Myhead is spinning off my shoulders! Then when my mom gets back, the nurse or doctor, whatevershe was (I’m pretty sure she was a nurse because no doctor is going to take the time to give meapple juice), she says “bye Sam” -_- bro- ok so the dude with the wheelchair comes in and takesme and my mom to the hospital parking lot (which is underground) and we get in the car. Now I’mtyping this. In my house*I hate hospitals.AND DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THE CRYING BABIES AHHHHHHHHHHH