Ch.5Are these classes even safe?!Anyways, Aida handed me the schedule for the day. She also told me after I hadtaken a shower It had this written on it.Monday to FridayWake up - 7:45 to 7:50Breakfast- 8:00 - 8:20 ( Delivered to your room, order using Magic Mirror (tap threetimes and say the name of your contact, located your dorm's lavatory.)Shower and get ready- 8:20 to 9:45First Class - Defense against the undead and necromancers - DATUAN - 9:45 - 10:30- HomeroomSecond Class- History and reading. -HBNUS - 10:30 - 11:15Third Class - Weaponry - 11:15 - 12:00Fourth Class - Horse riding - 12:00 - 12:40Lunchtime - 12:40 - 1:00Free Period- 1:00 - 1:25Fifth Class - Alchemy - 1:30 - 2:15Last class/ Sixth Class - Healing - 2:15 - 3:00Go to the Library in orderly fashion. Do homework efficiently and quietly. The card•for borrowing books will be passed out tonight at dinner hall. 3:30 - 5:00Free Period - Refresh, drink water, or go to the lavatory (bathroom). You may also talkto your parents, using so the Magic Mirror, located in the lavatory of your dorm.5:00 to 6:00Clubs: Chess, basketball, golf, horse racing and target practice. 6:00 - 6:50Dinner Hall - 6:50 - 7:30Students will be allowed to sit with people from their grade age and gender. Boys andgirls will be seated apart. The headmistress will also announce the rules andregulations.The schedule was finally done."Anyways, right now think we are supposed to be....almost done with breakfast! Wegotta run!, Aida exclaimed.Mei quickly put her book down and rushed to the door."Well, what are you guys waiting for? Punctuality matters, does it not?"That was the first time I had heard Mei's voice, well at least in a full sentence."Okay! Let's go!" I said, as we all rushed out of the door.As soon as we entered the Dinner Hall or Breakfast Hall, all eyes were on us as wewalked in. Mei covered her red cheeks with her uniform's cardigan, and Aida was justfacing front bu still, probably embarrased in her mind. I was just... dying."Miss Mei, Aida and Mallory, please explain yourself this instant!" The headmistressbasically yelled at us, and it echoed around the room! Sigh.Hope u like it!Really long :o@heywhassup✌ ✌ ✌