Why are games addictive?
Why are video games addictive.
What makes a video game addictive?
Most kids like to spend at least part of their free time playing video games. But for some, what
starts out as an innocent recreation can become an addiction.
Soon friends, family, school and even hygiene are neglected, as nearly every spare moment is spent
playing the game.
Game design
But what makes a game addictive? Are there certain characteristics that make some games more
addictive then others are? Why are some teens more addicted to games then others?
As with any addiction, video games or “gaming” addiction is usually a multi-faced issue. Game
designers are always looking for ways to make their game more fun and enjoyable in order to
increase the amount of time people spend playing them.
As much as anyone gaming designers try themselves to answer the question, “what makes a video
game addictive “ they want you to not want to stop playing.
But what begins as an immersive escape can, for some, they develop from a harmless form of
entertainment into a consuming addiction, plus the design of video games are similar to the design
of a gambling casinos, which will allow players to earn small wins to keep playing.
But there are several hooks that are built into games with the intent of making them addictive.
The high score
Whether you tried out the latest grand theft auto or haven’t touched a game since Pac-Man, the
high score or completion percentage is one of the most easily recognizable hooks. Trying to beat
the high score (even if the player is trying to beat their own score) can keep a player engrossed for
Beating your rival
More and more gamers are competing with or against friends and other players from all over the
world via the internet. There are many permutations of online competitive gaming. Some games
involve forming clans to compete against other groups of players while others use the last man
standing “battle royal” format, most famously Fortnite. Here the goal may be to rise up the
leaderboard or to gain bragging rights over friends.
The exploration or discovery tactic is most often used in role-playing games. One of the online
games with exploring online worlds is “world of Warcraft”, and a god portion of the game is spent
exploring imaginary worlds. This thrill of discovery (even of places that don’t really exist) can be
extremely compelling.
Most individuals suer from bullying or struggle with face-to-face communication may be
particularly vulnerable to withdraw into an online world that seems less judgmental and anxiety
provoking then their real world and most of them go into online role playing games allow them to
build relationships with other people.
by Brainstew
This is why strategies for overcoming gaming addiction must be sensitive to the wider context of the
persons life and circumstances if they are to stand w chance of success. Therapists with experience
in treating gaming addiction know all to well that excessive gaming can co-occur with issues like
depression, anxiety, and ADHD.
therefore, it’s vital to get to the core of the individuals problems in order to nd strategies that work.
Its now believed that there may be a reinforcing element to addictive game playing. MRI studies, for
instance, it has showed those frequent gamers exhibit brain changes associated with increased
dopamine release. Dopamine is a mood regulating hormone associated with feelings of pleasure
and similar changes have been observed in gambling addicts.
Though the debate rages in as to whether gaming addiction is a diagnosable disorder, problematic
behavioral patterns undeniably exist for some. The combination of highly compelling gaming
experiences created by designers and the predisposition some teens have a addictive behavior and
this means this is a real issue that parents, teachers, and friends should be aware and take action to