Alien KeepersYour oc. (Full Body please)Accessories:Bracelet thatcalls herdragonBlade16AquariusFemaleBlack leggings, sweatshirts,anything comfy but stealthyKylie BreesQuiet but funny. She had a traumaticchildhood. She’s very stealthy and agood fighter. She loves the outdoorsand flying on her dragon, StarWatcherHas a dragon that shes bonded tonamed StarWatcher. She can speakmany different languages. She’s a veryadept fighter and can turn invisible forshort periods of timeName:Age:Sign:S3xuality:Clothing style:Personality:Powers/Abilities:Other:She had a rough childhood tillStarWatcher hatched for her. Her weakinvisible made her a target of bullying.She made up for it by being the best
fighter around. Her blade can extend toa full sword or just a dagger. She andStarWatcher are very close.StarWatcher’s powers:She is a Nightwing. She can breath fire.She’s bonded to Kylie which can help herenhance Kylie’s abilityStarWatcher Kylie